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Welcome to NBT
The National Book Trust, India is an apex body, established by the Government of India in the year 1957 to develop reading ...
Fin.Asst.Prog. for Translation




1.1 The last three decades have been eventful for Indian writing. With many gaining worldwide recognition. This however remains largely confined to writings in English. The best of regional writings produced in India by and large is not available to a global readership. The lack of good translations has been widely acknowledged as a major constraint in this regards. This is notwithstanding some brilliant and individual efforts of scholars like A K Ramanujam and Gayatri Chankravarti Spivak.

1.2 The NBT India has over the years been engaged in the promotion of Indian books abroad as part of its mandate and has been a regular participant in international book fair. While this has definitely contributed to generating a certain interest in Indian books. It has not produced the kind of visibility it was hoped for.

The Proposal

2.1 To overcome this shortcoming, the NBT has set up a NBT Financial Assistance Programme (NBT FAP), a dedicated Rights Exchange Programme that will pursue translation of Indian books into foreign languages. Under this initiative, the Trust will provide financial support to foreign publishers who are interested in translating Indian works. Financial assistance will be granted as part of an ongoing support programme to enhance and strengthen the International profile of Indian writings. This incentive would help it commercially viable for foreign publishers to take up Indian books. Indian publishers keen to avail of this grant should furnish a copy of the agreement they have signed with the translator and the foreign publisher.

2.2 The scheme will cover the brand categories of fiction, non-fiction, science and technology and books for children except dictionaries, magazines, journals, text-books, for schools/colleges and professional courses like medicine, engineering, science & technology, business administration.

2.3 Regional language publications not available in English translations will also be considered for selection into foreign languages. In such cases, if a direct translator for the target language is not found, the Trust would facilitate its translation into English. NBT would provide 50% of the translation fee at the prescribed rate of NBT for translation of writings from regional language to English.

Modalities and Procedures

3.1 A Rights Catalogue of Indian writings will be made available at regular intervals for the benefit of publishers applying for the grant. The catalogue will be brought out by the NBT.

3.2 Payment of the translation grant will be made to the publisher once NBT has received proof of payment to the translator and five copies of the published work which would include acknowledgement of NBT’s funding.

3.3 The application of a publisher seeking the grant may include:

  • Publisher’s contact details
  • A copy of the agreement with the translation rights holder and the contract with the translator.
  • A copy of the translator’s bio data.
  • Proposed date of publication, print run and the number of pages of the translation.
  • Two copies of the original work along with a brief synopsis of the work and the author, and 2 copies of sample translation consisting of 10-15 pages of prose of 5 poems.

3.4 The NBT India as the apex body of the Govt. of India engaged in the promotion of books abroad will administer the grant programme.


The NBT Translation Grant Programme (NTGP) can play a valuable role in building a greater international awareness and appreciation of contemporary India writings, particularly in translations. It will also help foster a better understanding of India among overseas audience.


i) Grants are awarded only for translation costs and not for production or acquisition costs.

ii) Only two books of a single publisher can be considered for financial assistance in a year under NBT FAR.

iii) The name of the translator must be printed clearly either on the cover or on the inner title page.

iv) Proof of payment to the translator must be furnished as per the details of the agreement/contract provided with the Translation Grant application.

v) The financial assistance shall be released after receiving six copies of the published translation and proof to the effect that the translator has been paid according to the contract signed with the translator.

vi) The publisher must provide the number of words in the translated work.

vii) Retrospective grants will not be awarded.

viii) The acknowledgement, “published with the financial support National Book Trust India Financial Assistance Programme for Translation along with the logo of NBT India must be printed on the imprint/introductory pages or wherever suitable of every print run.

ix) In case of Indian Language writings, the original Indian publisher would make available English Translation of the book within a maximum period of one year from the date of signing interest agreement for the book.

x) The foreign language translation must be published within 18 months from the financial assistance offer date. In case of Indian Language writings where an English translation is not available, the financial assistance will be offered from the date on which the English translation of the work is made available.

xi) The NBT India reserves the right not to provide financial assistance if the coordination are not fulfilled.

Contact us:

Binny Kurian
Rights Translations Acquisitions Department

last updated on : 8/30/2023 4:45:25 PM